Friday, April 9, 2010

Lovin' me some Levi's booty

One thing I love about having three boys is the chance to see all three in some of the same clothes. Aside from the fact that hand-me-downs rock, it brings back memories of Holden and Asher when Sloan puts clothes on they wore when they were 10 months old.
I see all three boy's faces when I look at this smile and all their little tushies in these jeans. Sloan is such a wonderful mix of Holden and Asher that I feel like I have more time with all my babies when I enjoy his little moments.

1 comment:

Becca said...

Know what you mean...time flies by doesn't it? Cutie patootie...lovin' me some Levi booty too! How you get the snapshot look? Very cool...